April 22 2022
April 22, 2022
- Title: Xiuhcoatl
- System name: Clúster Híbrido de Supercómputo
- Web
- OS: Linux CentOS 6.X
- Country: Mexico
- Areas: Mathematics, engineering and applied physics
- Processor architecture:
- CPU x86 in 213 nodes:
- 67 nodes AMD Interlagos 6274.
- 84 nodes Intel X5675.
- 62 nodes Intel E5-V4.
- GPU/Co-processors in 40 nodes:
- 5 Nodes GPUs NVIDIA 2070/2075 & Intel X5675.
- 12 Nodes GPUs NVIDIA K40 & Intel E5-2650L v3.
- 4 Nodes Xeon-Phi 7120P.
- 19 Nodes GPUs NVIDIA K80 Intel E5-2660 v3.
- CPU x86 in 213 nodes:
- Manufacture: Hybrid cluster (INTEL, AMD, NVIDIA-GPU and INTEL co-processors)
- Peak performance:
- 313 Tflops
- Access Policy