PRACE 24th Call for Proposals for Project Access
Applicants’ reply to scientific reviews: Mid-January 2022
Submission of Progress / Final Reports for continuation proposals: via the platform on the submission form until 02/11/2021 @ 10:00 Brussels Time
Communication of allocation decision: End of March 2022
Allocation period for awarded proposals: 01/04/2022 – 31/03/2023
Type of Access (*): Single-year Project Access and Multi-year Project Access
(*) All proposals consist of 2 parts: An online form and the ‘Project scope and plan’. Please note that if you wish to continue work on a project that has finished or is ongoing, a new proposal (i.e. a continuation proposal) needs to be submitted via the platform in addition to a final/progress report.
Industry Access: Call 24 offers Principal Investigators from industry the possibility to apply for Single-year access to a special Industry Track which prioritises 10% of the total resources available (see Section 3.1.2 – Eligibility criteria for commercial companies in Call 24 “Terms of Reference” document).
The computer systems (called Tier-0 systems) and their operations that are accessible through PRACE are provided for this 24th call by 5 PRACE hosting members: BSC representing Spain, CINECA representing Italy, ETH Zurich/CSCS representing Switzerland, GCS representing Germany and GENCI representing France.
Scientists and researchers can apply for access to PRACE resources. Industrial users can apply if they have their head offices or substantial R&D activity in Europe.
The Call is open to:
Project Access: Proposals can be based on a 12-months schedule (Single-year Projects), or, on a 24- or 36-months schedule (Multi-year Projects). The allocation of awarded resources is made 1 year at a time with provisional allocations awarded for the 2nd and 3rd year.
Please note that the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) aisbl is in a transition phase and cannot guarantee that requested HPC systems in the 24th Call for Project Access will be available for multi-year access (allocations for the 2nd and/or 3rd year).
Additionally, the Call:
- Reserves 0.5% of the total resources available for this call for Centres of Excellence (CoE) as selected by the European Commission under the E-INFRA-5-2015 call for pro-posals.
- Includes an Industry Access track that prioritises 10% of the total resources available for this call for proposals for Single-year projects with a Principal Investigator from industry.
The PRACE Access Committee, composed of leading international scientists and engineers, ranks the proposals received and produces a recommendation to award PRACE resources based on scientific and technical excellence.
Call related documents
The following documents form the reference for this call:
- The Terms of Reference can be found here.
- The Technical Guidelines for Applicants can be found here.
- The Word template for the Project Scope and Plan can be found here.
- The Latex template for the Project Scope and Plan can be found here.
System | Architecture | Site (Country) |
Core Hours (node hours) |
Minimum request (core hours) |
HAWK* | HPE Apollo | GCS@HLRS (DE) | 345.6 million (2.7 million) |
100 million |
Joliot-Curie KNL | BULL Sequana X1000 | GENCI@CEA (FR) | 37.5 million (0.6 million) |
15 million |
Joliot-Curie Rome | BULL Sequana XH2000 | GENCI@CEA (FR) | 195.3 million (1.5 million) |
15 million |
Joliot-Curie SKL | BULL Sequana X1000 | GENCI@CEA (FR) | 52.9 million (1.1 million) |
15 million |
JUWELS Booster* | BULL Sequana XH2000 | GCS@JSC (DE) | 85.2 million (1.78 million) |
7 million Use of GPUs |
JUWELS Cluster* | BULL Sequana X1000 | GCS@JSC (DE) | 35.04 million (0.73 million) |
35 million |
Marconi100 | IBM Power 9 AC922 Whiterspoon | CINECA (IT) | 165 million (1.87 million) |
35 million Use of GPUs |
MareNostrum 4* | Lenovo System | BSC (ES) | TBA | 30 million |
Piz Daint | Cray XC50 System | ETH Zurich/CSCS (CH) | 510 million (7.5 million) |
68 million Use of GPUs |
SuperMUC-NG* | Lenovo ThinkSystem | GCS@LRZ (DE) | TBA | 35 million |
*At the time of opening the call, the volume of resources offered on the corresponding system cannot be definitively confirmed. The final volume is expected to be similar to previous calls and will be announced later.
Click here to apply.