Webinar: Developing complex workflows that include HPC, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics
Date: February 22, 2023 | 4 p.m. (UTC)
Speaker: Rosa M. Badia, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Moderator: Esteban Mocskos, Universidad de Buenos Aires
The evolution of High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems towards every-time more complex machines is opening the opportunity of hosting larger and heterogeneous applications. In this sense, the demand for developing applications that are not purely HPC, but that combine aspects of Artifical Intelligence and or Data analytics is becoming more common. However, there is a lack of environments that support the development of these complex workflows. The webinar will present PyCOMPSs, a parallel task-based programming in Python. Based on simple annotations, sequential Python programs can be executed in parallel in HPC-clusters and other distributed infrastructures.
PyCOMPSs has been extended to support tasks that invoke HPC applications and can be combined with Artificial Intelligence and Data analytics frameworks.
Some of these extensions are made in the framework of the eFlows4HPC project, which in addition is developing the HPC Workflows as a Service (HPCWaaS) methodology to make the development, deployment, execution and reuse of workflows easier. The webinar will present the current status of the PyCOMPSs programming model and how it is being extended in the eFlows4HPC project towards the project needs. Also, the HPCWaaS methodology will be introduced.
About the speaker: Rosa M. Badia holds a PhD on Computer Science (1994) from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). She is the manager of the Workflows and Distributed Computing research group at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC).
Her current research interests are programming models for complex platforms (from edge, fog, to Clouds and large HPC systems). The group led by Dr. Badia has been developing StarSs programming model for more than 15 years, with a high success in adoption by application developers. Currently the group focuses its efforts in PyCOMPSs/COMPSs, an instance of the programming model for distributed computing including Cloud.
Dr Badia has published nearly 200 papers in international conferences and journals in the topics of her research. Her group is very active in projects funded by the European Commission and in contracts with industry. Dr Badia is the PI of the eFlows4HPC project.
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